
All of the solutions are from the world of Christmas, split into common and uncommon terms. See how many you can solve. Hover over the respective black box for the answer and definition.


FRANKINCENSE An aromatic gum resin obtained from African and Asian trees of the Boswellia genus. One of the gifts given to Jesus.
STOCKING A sock-shaped ornamental container hung up for Santa to furnish with presents.
PINATA (Spanish) a hollow pottery figure filled with sweets etc. and hung from the ceiling, at a Christmas or other party in Latin America.
MIRACLE An inexplicable extraordinary event associated with Christmas.
CRANBERRY A sour red berry used in cooking.
MARZIPAN A white-yellow paste of ground almonds used as a decoration or icing on cakes.
YULETIDE A winter festival which has come to mean the Christmas period.
REINDEER A large cold-weather deer used to pull Santa's sleigh
POINSETTIA A central American shrub of the spurge family, generally with large red bracts beneath yellow flower clusters.
WASSAIL (verb) to sing good wishes, also a generally hot alcoholic beverage.
SNOWFLAKE A crystal of snow often used as a decoration.
PRESENTS (PRESENT) A gift given at Christmas.
ORNAMENT A generic name for an adornment which typically has no practical purpose.
NATIVITY The occasion of a birth, as in Jesus Christ.
CRACKER A decorative paper item which is pulled by two people, creating a bang and splitting unevenly.
MISTLETOE A shrub with white waxy berries, traditionally people kiss underneath a small branch of it.
GOODWILL Feelings or an attitude of friendliness.
TINSELLY Like TINSEL, showy and gaudy.
TURKEY A large game bird eaten at Christmas.
GIFTWRAPPED (GIFTWRAP) To wrap with a decorative paper.


CAGANER (Catalan) a squatting defecating figure in a Catalan Christmas creche.
GLOGG (Swedish) a hot spiced wine and liquor punch served in Scandinavian countries as a Christmas drink.
LUMINARIA A traditional Mexican Christmas lantern orig. consisting of a candle set in sand inside a paper bag.
LEBKUCHEN (pl. LEBKUCHEN) A traditional chewy honey-sweetened German biscuit made for Christmas.
SIMNEL A rich fruitcake traditionally eaten at mid-Lent, Easter and Christmas.
POSADA (Spanish) in Mexico, each of a series of visits traditionally paid to different friends during the days before Christmas, representing Mary and Joseph's search for lodging in Bethlehem.
STOLLEN (German) A rich yeast bread containing fruit eaten at Christmas.
PANETTONE (pl. PANETTONES or PANETTONI) A rich Italian yeast cake flavoured with fruit eaten at Christmas.
AMARYLLIS (pl. -ES) A flowering bulbous plant of the lily family used for decoration.
LUTEFISK A Scandinavian dish of dried cod soaked in lye before cooking, commonly eaten at Christmas in a number of countries.
