
The fortnightly test your anagram power #18, By David Sutton

Here is a quiz comprising twenty single-solution alphagrams of seven or eight letters. The first ten are words which a reasonably well-read person has a fair chance of knowing. The second ten are words likely to be known only to specialists or, of course, to good Scrabble players! Most of the words fall in the mid-probability range.

Hover over the relevant black box to reveal the answer. Good luck!

AEILNOPTANTIPOLE The opposite pole; anything diametrically opposed.
DEILORSTSTOLIDER (Comp.) STOLID, impassive, unemotional.
CEEIORTCOTERIE (Fr.) a social or literary circle.
CINORSTURUCTIONS (Pl.) RUCTION, a noisy fight; disturbance, uproar.
AADMORTMATADOR The bullfighter who kills the bull in a bullfight. Also MATADORE.
CEEILPSECLIPSE The total or partial disappearance of a heavenly body by the interposition of another between it and the spectator; (verb) to obscure.
BEEFILRSBELFRIES (Pl.) BELFRY, the part of a church housing the bells.
BDEHOSTHOTBEDS (Pl.) HOTBED, a bed of rich soil.
EEIORSVZOVERSIZE To cover with size.
AIMNRUUURANIUM An element of the chromium group.
AIMMNORTMORTMAIN (Fr.) the perpetual ownership of property by institutions such as churches; (fig.) the often stifling influence of the past on the present and the living.
AAOSTTUYTATOUAYS (Pl.) TATOUAY, a large armadillo of tropical S. America.
AGNNOOPTPOONTANG (US slang) sexual intercourse.
AEEIPTVXEXAPTIVE Involving biological adaptation.
ADDHITYHYDATID A fluid-filled cyst, especially one containing tape-worm larva.
ACCEIOPRCECROPIA A fast-growing tropical American tree of the mulberry family.
CEEHNNOWNOWHENCE (Arch.) from no place.
ACCHIOPPICACHO (Spanish) an isolated peak of a hill.
AADIKLLRKILLADAR (Hindi) the commandant of a fort or garrison.
EFFNRUUUNRUFFE (Shakesp.) beardless.
