
The fortnightly test your anagram power #2, By David Sutton

Here is a quiz comprising twenty single-solution alphagrams of seven or eight letters. The first ten are words which a reasonably well-read person has a fair chance of knowing. The second ten are words likely to be known only to specialists or, of course, to good Scrabble players! Most of the words fall in the mid-probability range.

Hover over the relevant black box to reveal the answer. Good luck!

AEENRSTU SAUTERNE (Fr.) a white wine made in the district of Sauterne, France.
EILNOTW TOWLINE A line used to tow vessels; a towrope.
AILMORST MORALIST A person who seeks to regulate the morals of others or to imbue others with a sense of morality.
INOPRTTU PRINTOUT The printed output of a computer.
DEEIPSTT TEPIDEST (Superl.) TEPID, moderately warm.
AACMNOOR MACAROON A sweet biscuit made with egg white and ground almonds or coconut.
DEEGHORW HEDGEROW A row of bushes.
EIOPRRSS PRIORESS A female superior of a house of any of various orders of nuns; the deputy of an abbess.
ACISSTTU CATSUITS (Pl.) CATSUIT, a type of one-piece trouser suit.
EHIIMPST MEPHITIS Noxious, pestilential, or foul exhalations from decomposing substances, filth, or other source.
DIKNORSV DVORNIKS (Pl.) DVORNIK, a Russian concierge or porter.
ACEOOPSU POACEOUS Pertaining to or like grass; belonging to the grass family of plants.
ABEMORRS EMBRASOR A person who seeks to influence jurors by corrupt means to deliver a partial verdict. Also EMBRACEOR, EMBRACER.
EEINNRUX XENURINE Relating to a genus of armadillos in which the tail is almost without plates.
BDEILMOS SEMIBOLD A typeface between medium and bold.
ACEELOSS SECALOSE A complex carbohydrate.
AHLPRUY HYPURAL Situated beneath the tail.
ACGILNUY GUANYLIC As in guanylic acid.
ACIINPTY ANTIPYIC A drug checking or preventing suppuration.
