The fortnightly test your anagram power #22, By David Sutton
Here is a quiz comprising twenty single-solution alphagrams of six letters, most of the solutions being fairly obscure words.
Hover over the relevant black box to reveal the answer. Good luck!
ADIORT | ADROIT Skilful. |
AEOPRT | PROTEA A plant of a large S. African genus. |
AENNOS | NOSEAN A cubic mineral, aluminum sodium silicate and sulphur. |
AEGLRT | TERGAL Relating to the TERGUM, an insect's upper or dorsal surface, esp. of a body segment. |
AEIMRU | UREMIA The retention of waste materials normally excreted. |
AEISTV | SATIVE (Obs.) cultivated. |
AIMNOT | MANITO (Am. Ind.) a name given by tribes of American Indians to a great spirit, whether good or evil, or to any object of worship > MANITOS. |
ACIORT | AORTIC Relating to the AORTA, the main artery into the heart. |
AANOST | SONATA (Ital.) a composition usu of three or more movements designed chiefly for a solo instrument. |
BDEIOR | BORIDE A compound in which boron is the most electronegative element. |
EGILOU | OUGLIE (Obs.) ugly; (verb) to make ugly. |
AEIKOS | OAKIES (Pl.) OAKY, an ice-cream. |
AIIMOR | MOIRAI (Pl.) MOIRA, fate. |
ADEEPT | PEDATE Footed, footlike. |
EINRUV | ERUVIN (Pl.) ERUV, an area, circumscribed by a symbolic line, within which certain activities forbidden to Orthodox Jews on the Sabbath are permitted. |
AEEMST | MESETA (Spanish) a plateau, esp. that of central Spain. |
BEEIST | BETISE (Fr.) stupidity, a stupid act. |
AELOPS | ASLOPE (Arch.) on a slope. |
EGLOST | GOSLET A species of dwarf goose. |
AAORTT | TOTARA (Maori) a New Zealand timber tree, with reddish wood, mahogany pine. |