
The fortnightly test your anagram power #24, By David Sutton

Here is a quiz comprising twenty single-solution alphagrams of seven or eight letters. The first ten are words which a reasonably well-read person has a fair chance of knowing. The second ten are words likely to be known only to specialists or, of course, to good Scrabble players! Most of the words fall in the mid-probability range.

Hover over the relevant black box to reveal the answer. Good luck!

AABCEIRTBACTERIA (Pl.) BACTERIUM, a class of unicellular or filamentous micro-organisms.
EEEIMRSTEREMITES (Pl.) EREMITE, a hermit, a religious recluse.
EEIMNNTEMINENT Of high station or rank > EMINENTLY.
ACDEGIRSDISGRACE To bring shame or discredit upon.
ACGILNOTLOCATING (Pp.) LOCATE, to determine the position of.
ACFINORTFRACTION A fragment or small piece; (verb) to reduce to a fraction.
ACIMNORTROMANTIC Related to romance > ROMANTICALLY; (noun) a fanciful person > ROMANTICS.
AEFIMNSTMANIFEST Clear, obvious > MANIFESTLY; (verb) to show clearly.
AACEFRSCARAFES (Pl.) CARAFE, a glass bottle for water or wine at a table, in a bedroom, etc.
AIILMNPTPALMITIN A glyceride of palmitic acid.
BEGIINTWBITEWING A dental X-ray film.
BEINRSSUSUBERINS (Pl.) SUBERIN, a compound found in cork.
CEIINRSSSERICINS (Pl.) SERICIN, a gelatinous nitrogenous material extracted from crude silk.
INNOOPSOPSONIN A substance of blood serum making bacteria vulnerable to phagocytic action.
AAGIRRYARGYRIA Skin pigmentation caused by long exposure to silver.
EGIIMNPRIMPINGER One that impinges.
AEILMMTUMALEMIUT (Inuit) an Alaskan sled dog.
AEILMPSSPESSIMAL Least favourable.
AENPSSTYSYNAPTES (Pl.) SYNAPTE, in the Greek church, a litany.
