UK v US on ISC and Dweebovision

The format of the tournament is 3 US players play 3 UK players over 9 games, all matches 20 minutes long with 5 point penalty challenge and CSW12 as wordlist.

The US team is John O'Laughlin, Chris Lipe and Geoff Thevenot
The UK team is Brett Smitheram, Helen Gipson and David Webb

The matches can be viewed live on ISC ( and will also be recorded with commentary for Dweebovision on YouTube.

Provisional Schedule:

23 October John O'Laughlin vs Brett Smitheram (olaugh v bretts) Dweebovision link
25 October Chris Lipe vs Brett Smitheram (sphrulitic v bretts) Dweebovision link
27 October Geoff Thevenot vs Brett Smitheram (gwthev v bretts) Dweebovision link
29 October John O'Laughlin vs David Webb (olaugh v dweeb) Dweebovision link
31 October Chris Lipe vs David Webb (sphrulitic v dweeb) Dweebovision link
1 November Geoff Thevenot vs David Webb (gwthev v dweeb) Dweebovision link
4 November Geoff Thevenot vs Helen Gipson (gwthev v pooh) Dweebovision link
5 November John O'Laughlin vs Helen Gipson (olaugh v pooh) Dweebovision link
7 November Chris Lipe vs Helen Gipson (sphrulitic v pooh) Dweebovision link
