Tournaments such as these are always great opportunities for players around the globe to meet up with their international counterparts and share their enjoyment of the sport. As Norway's Rick Fawns noted "it's always going to be about the people i'm around and less about the game itself. Those I spent time with collectively are great fun and the Norwegians were as crazy as always".
Soon, though, the focus will turn to the words played (as it should in a game that is primarily about words).
Rick continues "I would have to say my best personal in game moment was the sheer irony of spotting the chance of and playing
XER(A)F(iN) for 48 to seal a win against Joanne Craig."
Goutham Jayaraman, 4th at the 2017 WSC, observed "I'm not exactly happy with my performance but i did manage to draw into a lot of cool bingoes"; bingoes that included NOSTALGIC, CHEVRON, AFFIRMED, COMMANDO. He went on to say "I had 3 esses in one go, playing (UN)ALARMED keeping ESSSS and then [play] STRESSES against Wellington Jighere. Elie Dangoor reflected on one of his games "The best bonus played against me at the WSC: I thought I had this
game wrapped up, until Paul Gallen went out with DEAMINATE.
Paul Gallen's name received another mention by Dave Koenig, when he stated "KILOWATT as a natural through the A was probably my coolest bingo. I played it against Paul Gallen in the same game in which he played a natural DOUBTFUL through a B".
Nigel's 9 timer HUSHEDLY against Brett Smitheram was amazing - though it was not all about 7 and 8 letter plays.
2018 WSC Quarter Finalist (and 2014 WSC runner-up) Chris Lipe provided us with some 9 letter highlights - "I played four nines in the tournament — two as outbingos (MAGNETIZE and CAUTERIES) and two in the QF v Jesse (TANGENCES disco on live stream and then TRAINABLE thru AB)". TANGENCES an inspired find holding ACEGST? and going through two unconnected floaters at a crucial time of a Quarter Final: you can see the end game board pictured.