Akshay Bhandarkar of Bahrain is the 2017 WESPA Champion, having defeated Peter Moses of Nigeria 4-3 in what was a tight best of 7 Final today in Nairobi, Kenya.

To reach the final, both players were the best in a field of over 100 other top competitors from over 30 countries across the globe in a 32 round tournament where most players had been nominated by their respective country to take part.

The WESPA (World English-Language Scrabble Players Association) Championship was the headline event in a six day international festival of Scrabble, which included five other tournaments.

In total, over 200 players came to Nairobi, enjoying the Kenyan hospitality in what has been a successful tournament.

This is the second WESPA Championship (WESPAC), and was first run in 2015 responding to player feedback to run an international tournament where players are chosen by their country to compete.

As such, it enjoys strong support amongst tournament Scrabble players.

WESPA is looking forward to running the next Championship in 2019, in a country to be determined.

Further photos can be found by clicking below:

Before the final
During the final
Finalists group photo
Akshay Bhandarkar photo
Peter Moses Photo
Game play
Photos: James Muchiri

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The new WESPA Champion, Akshay Bhandarkar

For all further info:

WESPA: Nick Ivanovski (Chair of Promotions) Email
Scrabble Kenya: Email
