The fortnightly test your anagram power #38, By David Sutton
Here is a quiz comprising twenty single-solution alphagrams of seven or eight letters. The first ten are words which a reasonably well-read person has a fair chance of knowing. The second ten are words likely to be known only to specialists or, of course, to good Scrabble players! Most of the words fall in the mid-probability range.
Hover over the relevant black box to reveal the answer. Good luck!
DEEINOST | SIDENOTE A note on the side. |
ADEEGINR | REGAINED (Pt.) REGAIN, to get back. |
ACINORTT | TRACTION The act of pulling or drawing over a surface. |
ADEIRRTW | TAWDRIER (Comp.) TAWDRY, cheap, trashy. |
AEGIRRSU | SUGARIER (Comp.) SUGARY, containing sugar. |
DEILOOPS | POOLSIDE The area at the side of a swimming pool. |
ABCDEELS | DEBACLES (Pl.) DEBACLE, a great disaster, a complete failure. |
CDEEFIIS | EDIFICES (Pl.) EDIFICE, a building. |
AABDHNT | HATBAND A ribbon round a hat. |
AACEKNS | ASKANCE Sideways; obliquely; (verb, Shakesp.) to turn aside. |
AABKNRT | TANBARK A tree bark used as a source of tannin. |
AACHITY | CYATHIA (Pl.) CYATHIUM, the characteristic inflorescence of the spurges. |
AADIJMN | JAMDANI (Urdu) a kind of Dacca muslin. |
AAIKMRS | KARAISM The doctrines of the Karaites, a strict sect of Jews. |
ACCIOST | OCICATS (Pl.) OCICAT, a large short-haired cat with spotted coat. |
EEEFIPRR | REPRIEFE (Spenser) reproach, insult. |
CELPSUY | CLYPEUS (Lat.) the frontal plate of the head of an insect. |
DEKOSVY | SKYDOVE (Pt.) SKYDIVE, to jump by parachute as a sport. |
AACHIMST | CATHISMA (Greek) a short hymn used as response. |
ACCILRSY | ACRYLICS (Pl.) ACRYLIC, an acrylic fibre, plastic, etc. |