
The fortnightly test your anagram power #41, By David Sutton

Here is a quiz comprising twenty single-solution alphagrams of seven or eight letters. The first ten are words which a reasonably well-read person has a fair chance of knowing. The second ten are words likely to be known only to specialists or, of course, to good Scrabble players! Most of the words fall in the mid-probability range.

Hover over the relevant black box to reveal the answer. Good luck!

ADEEHSTHEADSET A pair of earphones.
DEINNOPTENDPOINT Either of two points that mark the end of a line segment.
ACDELNOOCANOODLE To pet, fondle, caress.
AELMOORSSALEROOM A room where goods for sale, esp at auction, are displayed.
AMOORSUAMOROUS Pertaining to love.
AEEHORRVOVERHEAR To hear without the speaker's knowledge or intention.
CEFOORSTSOFTCORE Of pornography, not explicit.
EHRSTTWSTREWTH A mild oath, God's truth.
CGIILRTULITURGIC Pertaining to, of or the nature of, a liturgy.
BGLNOOSOBLONGS (Pl.) OBLONG, something that is oblong.
EIMPRRSUPRIMEURS (Pl.) PRIMEUR, a new or early thing; spec. early fruit or vegetables.
EHIOPTTWWHITEPOT A Devonshire dish of sliced rolls, milk, eggs, sugar etc. baked.
EIMOPSXIMPOSEX+ The superimposition of male sexual characteristics onto female gastropods, caused by certain pollutants.
AGMNSSUMUSANGS (Pl.) MUSANG, a civet-like animal of S. Asia.
AIIMSSYMYIASIS A disease due to flies' larvae in the body.
BCEKOTYBYCOKET An ornamental cap with peaks at both back and front, worn in the 15th century.
IKORSSTUKURTOSIS The relative degree of sharpness of peak of a distribution curve.
CEEKLNPUPENUCKLE A card game played with forty-eight cards, being all the cards above the eight spots in two packs.
