mainHeader – World English Scrabble Players Association (WESPA)


Nethuka Sathsilu


Sri Lanka

Nethuka Sathsilu

Rating: 1450
Games Played: 18
Wins: 8 (44.44%)
Losses: 10 (55.56%)
Draws: 0 (0.00%)

Average Score: 357.89
Average Against: 385.56

300- Games: 5 (27.78%)
300 Games: 8 (44.44%)
400 Games: 5 (27.78%)
500 Games: 0 (0.00%)
600+ Games: 0 (0.00%)

High Game: 491 (vs Imad Irshad)
Low Game: 265 (vs Nimaya Samarathunga)
Biggest Win: 192 (vs Sonal Hettiarachchi)
High Loss: 391 (vs Sandev Herath)
Low Win: 363 (vs Dinadi Niriella)

Details#DateTournamentWinsLossesByesSpreadPlaceStart RatingEnd RatingRating ChangeStart DeviationEnd Deviation
12023-01-22Sri Lanka Scrabbler of the Year - Leg 18100-49835145014500300133
RoundOpponentOpponent RatingResultScores
1Pasindu Malawaraarac1610L296502
2Sandanindu Batheegama1628W383377
3Dinadi Niriella1348W363289
4Ilham Irshad1646L278445
5Pasindu Wijewardena1429W412275
6Nimaya Samarathunga1519L265448
7Chanul Edirisinghe1535L353457
8Kyaan Perera1583W435389
9Kithnuli Amarasinghe1441W419357
10Farida Akbarally1548L323532
11Imad Irshad1539W491427
12Nishanya Gammanpila1585L340386
13Lalantha Amarasinghe1528L293343
14S Saravanakayan1328W379349
15Dinadi Niriella1348L311338
16Sonal Hettiarachchi1415W425233
17Sandev Herath1438L391405
18Ruchitha Gurugamage1465L285388
Average: 357.89 385.56
DetailsOpponentRatingGamesWinsLossesDrawsPctAverage ForAverage Against
1Dinadi Niriella137221100.50337.00313.50
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2023-01-22Sri Lanka Scrabbler of the Year - Leg 13W14501348363289
2023-01-22Sri Lanka Scrabbler of the Year - Leg 115L14501348311338
Average: 337.00 313.50
2Kithnuli Amarasinghe145211001.00419.00357.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2023-01-22Sri Lanka Scrabbler of the Year - Leg 19W14501441419357
Average: 419.00 357.00
3Lalantha Amarasinghe143310100.00293.00343.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2023-01-22Sri Lanka Scrabbler of the Year - Leg 113L14501528293343
Average: 293.00 343.00
4Pasindu Malawaraarac155710100.00296.00502.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2023-01-22Sri Lanka Scrabbler of the Year - Leg 11L14501610296502
Average: 296.00 502.00
5Sonal Hettiarachchi141511001.00425.00233.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2023-01-22Sri Lanka Scrabbler of the Year - Leg 116W14501415425233
Average: 425.00 233.00
6Farida Akbarally141010100.00323.00532.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2023-01-22Sri Lanka Scrabbler of the Year - Leg 110L14501548323532
Average: 323.00 532.00
7Nimaya Samarathunga151910100.00265.00448.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2023-01-22Sri Lanka Scrabbler of the Year - Leg 16L14501519265448
Average: 265.00 448.00
8Ilham Irshad168410100.00278.00445.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2023-01-22Sri Lanka Scrabbler of the Year - Leg 14L14501646278445
Average: 278.00 445.00
9Nishanya Gammanpila163210100.00340.00386.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2023-01-22Sri Lanka Scrabbler of the Year - Leg 112L14501585340386
Average: 340.00 386.00
10Ruchitha Gurugamage146810100.00285.00388.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2023-01-22Sri Lanka Scrabbler of the Year - Leg 118L14501465285388
Average: 285.00 388.00
11S Saravanakayan132811001.00379.00349.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2023-01-22Sri Lanka Scrabbler of the Year - Leg 114W14501328379349
Average: 379.00 349.00
12Sandev Herath149710100.00391.00405.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2023-01-22Sri Lanka Scrabbler of the Year - Leg 117L14501438391405
Average: 391.00 405.00
13Pasindu Wijewardena154211001.00412.00275.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2023-01-22Sri Lanka Scrabbler of the Year - Leg 15W14501429412275
Average: 412.00 275.00
14Imad Irshad159011001.00491.00427.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2023-01-22Sri Lanka Scrabbler of the Year - Leg 111W14501539491427
Average: 491.00 427.00
15Chanul Edirisinghe158410100.00353.00457.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2023-01-22Sri Lanka Scrabbler of the Year - Leg 17L14501535353457
Average: 353.00 457.00
16Sandanindu Batheegama158311001.00383.00377.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2023-01-22Sri Lanka Scrabbler of the Year - Leg 12W14501628383377
Average: 383.00 377.00
17Kyaan Perera146911001.00435.00389.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2023-01-22Sri Lanka Scrabbler of the Year - Leg 18W14501583435389
Average: 435.00 389.00