mainHeader – World English Scrabble Players Association (WESPA)


Avidian Dipesh Siva



Avidian Dipesh Siva

Rating: 1772
Games Played: 13
Wins: 10 (76.92%)
Losses: 3 (23.08%)
Draws: 0 (0.00%)

Average Score: 365.00
Average Against: 315.54

300- Games: 2 (15.38%)
300 Games: 8 (61.54%)
400 Games: 2 (15.38%)
500 Games: 1 (7.69%)
600+ Games: 0 (0.00%)

High Game: 565 (vs Pavanalakkshana)
Low Game: 228 (vs Iman Najmi Muis)
Biggest Win: 383 (vs Pavanalakkshana)
High Loss: 302 (vs Chok Xun Ken)
Low Win: 323 (vs Hia Issac Hung Zhe)

Details#DateTournamentWinsLossesByesSpreadPlaceStart RatingEnd RatingRating ChangeStart DeviationEnd Deviation
12019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate10306434177217720300158
RoundOpponentOpponent RatingResultScores
2Hia Issac Hung Zhe1313W323171
3Siddartha Mariappan1607W433266
4Aqesha Humaira Ahafz1659L281464
5Patrick Heng Bing Xi1648W348331
6Sonia Anne Menon1546W327285
7Manaal Asher1620W382323
8Chok Xun Ken1687L302434
9Tan Yu Herng1637W393275
10Tseng Jun Yi1593W363277
11Iman Najmi Muis1490L228389
12Megan Raaj Sethu1611W405342
13Goh Jun Lim1716W395363
Average: 365.00 315.54
DetailsOpponentRatingGamesWinsLossesDrawsPctAverage ForAverage Against
1Aqesha Humaira Ahafz165910100.00281.00464.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate4L17721659281464
Average: 281.00 464.00
2Chok Xun Ken168710100.00302.00434.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate8L17721687302434
Average: 302.00 434.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate1W17721370565182
Average: 565.00 182.00
4Sonia Anne Menon154611001.00327.00285.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate6W17721546327285
Average: 327.00 285.00
5Hia Issac Hung Zhe131311001.00323.00171.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate2W17721313323171
Average: 323.00 171.00
6Manaal Asher166111001.00382.00323.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate7W17721620382323
Average: 382.00 323.00
7Iman Najmi Muis159110100.00228.00389.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate11L17721490228389
Average: 228.00 389.00
8Siddartha Mariappan158711001.00433.00266.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate3W17721607433266
Average: 433.00 266.00
9Tan Yu Herng163711001.00393.00275.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate9W17721637393275
Average: 393.00 275.00
10Tseng Jun Yi157811001.00363.00277.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate10W17721593363277
Average: 363.00 277.00
11Megan Raaj Sethu169611001.00405.00342.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate12W17721611405342
Average: 405.00 342.00
12Patrick Heng Bing Xi164811001.00348.00331.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate5W17721648348331
Average: 348.00 331.00
13Goh Jun Lim171611001.00395.00363.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate13W17721716395363
Average: 395.00 363.00