mainHeader – World English Scrabble Players Association (WESPA)


Tan Yu Herng



Tan Yu Herng

Rating: 1637
Games Played: 13
Wins: 8 (61.54%)
Losses: 5 (38.46%)
Draws: 0 (0.00%)

Average Score: 365.15
Average Against: 331.23

300- Games: 1 (7.69%)
300 Games: 8 (61.54%)
400 Games: 4 (30.77%)
500 Games: 0 (0.00%)
600+ Games: 0 (0.00%)

High Game: 421 (vs Chen Kyleen)
Low Game: 275 (vs Avidian Dipesh Siva)
Biggest Win: 278 (vs Katherine LeongCheng)
High Loss: 348 (vs Muhd Aiman M Rani)
Low Win: 348 (vs Cheok Kar Seng)

Details#DateTournamentWinsLossesByesSpreadPlaceStart RatingEnd RatingRating ChangeStart DeviationEnd Deviation
12019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate85044120163716370300159
RoundOpponentOpponent RatingResultScores
1Katherine LeongCheng1318W417139
2Muhd Aiman M Rani1576L348455
3Sonia Anne Menon1546W420315
4Cheok Kar Seng1587W348309
5Aminthika Dissanayak1450W371286
6Chok Xun Ken1687L345366
7Patrick Heng Bing Xi1648W403354
8Go Yu An1645W356299
9Avidian Dipesh Siva1772L275393
10Ritesh Singh1631W387317
11Chen Kyleen1534W421279
12Chok Xun Ken1687L338394
13Muhammad Dhia Zafri1758L318400
Average: 365.15 331.23
DetailsOpponentRatingGamesWinsLossesDrawsPctAverage ForAverage Against
1Chok Xun Ken168720200.00341.50380.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate6L16371687345366
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate12L16371687338394
Average: 341.50 380.00
2Aminthika Dissanayak151611001.00371.00286.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate5W16371450371286
Average: 371.00 286.00
3Sonia Anne Menon154611001.00420.00315.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate3W16371546420315
Average: 420.00 315.00
4Muhd Aiman M Rani160810100.00348.00455.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate2L16371576348455
Average: 348.00 455.00
5Chen Kyleen156011001.00421.00279.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate11W16371534421279
Average: 421.00 279.00
6Katherine LeongCheng131811001.00417.00139.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate1W16371318417139
Average: 417.00 139.00
7Muhammad Dhia Zafri177810100.00318.00400.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate13L16371758318400
Average: 318.00 400.00
8Ritesh Singh163111001.00387.00317.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate10W16371631387317
Average: 387.00 317.00
9Go Yu An147911001.00356.00299.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate8W16371645356299
Average: 356.00 299.00
10Cheok Kar Seng158711001.00348.00309.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate4W16371587348309
Average: 348.00 309.00
11Avidian Dipesh Siva177210100.00275.00393.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate9L16371772275393
Average: 275.00 393.00
12Patrick Heng Bing Xi164811001.00403.00354.00
DateTournamentRoundResultRatingOpponent RatingScore
2019-12-01WESPA Youth Cup and Plate7W16371648403354
Average: 403.00 354.00